
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Where Did The Time Go?

Have you ever been planning a get together, family event or party and you feel like you have plenty of time to get it all done.  Then life gets in the way and you put off this little thing, then the next little thing and next thing you know the event is in one week and you have so much to do.  Or the event day arrives and you miss most of the party because you are so concerned with others enjoying the party that you forget to enjoy it yourself.  Or as a parent do you want to miss out on your child blowing out the candles, opening gifts, playing on the jungle gym, or any of the special moments you can't get back while you are running around ensuring everyone else is enjoying your child's birthday party?

This is why event planners are so valuable.  We are there to ensure you get to carry on your daily life while we take care of all the details to ensure the get together, family event or party goes off without any last minute "oh shoot I forgot to ________."  We are there to ensure parents actually get to enjoy their children's birthday party and the special moments.  We ensure brides enjoy their wedding day.  That small house parties are enjoyed by all and the host and hostess get to mingle and have conversations with their guests.  That your grandparents 50th wedding anniversary is so memorable that it is talked about for generations to come.  We at Awen Events are here to serve you.  We are here to help your vision become a reality.  We are here to ensure you get to be a guest at your own event.  We are here to ensure you know you are important.  We are here to help ensure you don't miss anymore of those special once in a lifetime moments.  We at Awen Events are here for you.  Call us for your next gathering or large party so you don't miss a moment.

Monday, April 25, 2011

You Spent The Money....Now, What Will People Say

I was talking with a supplier the other day about his wedding that took place a few years ago.  We were discussing what was important to his wife and him.  He made a great point.  He said "We didn't want to spend money and then hear people say "that was a crappy wedding"".  They hired a wedding planner that walked them through the entire process.  She was able to work their budget with them and move the money from one bucket to another, based on importance, and consulted with them on a consistent basis.  The end result was an amazing wedding that others talked about in a great way.

Being a bride and groom can be stressful with so many "to dos" and not knowing who is great, good or not so great in the industry.  Wedding planners help manage the process, relieve stress, stay within budget (getting better rates than you can on your own) and know which vendors to work with.  We at Awen Event Planning and Management do all of this and more to ensure your wedding is one you get to be a guest at and it is talked about and never forgotten.

Imagine Your Wedding....
Now Imagine Being a Guest At It!!!! (sounds fabulous right)

Call Awen Event Planning and Management with all your event needs - 602-329-5159

Friday, April 22, 2011

Business Handshakes and Partnerships

There was a time not so long ago that business was sealed with a handshake.  That handshake meant a partnership, trust, respect, an understanding of quality, prompt delivery of services or goods and much more.  The time has passed where we can secure business with a handshake.  But although we must use contracts now, it doesn't mean that the same kind of partnerships can't be made.  I believe there is still room for business partnerships in today's economy.  A partnership where there is mutual understanding of business needs, mutual respect, and mutual trust.  An understanding that each business partner is choosing the other.  Understanding there is no need to micro-manage each other because you have chosen each other as partners because you both are experts at what you do.

This is how I choose to operate my business, Awen Event Planning and Management.  I am partners with my suppliers.  There is an unspoken "handshake" agreement (although contracts are used).  We trust and respect each others work.  We understand the quality that we want our clients to feel.  We know the necessity of promptness in goods and services.  We communicate and work together to ensure our clients get the event they want, that they are able to be a guest at their own event, and that it is one that is Talked About and Never Forgotten.  My suppliers and I work together to ensure we have repeat customers.  We work together for the good of the Customer.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Passover is Coming Next Week

Passover begins next Monday Eve. So if you are Jewish, have Jewish family members, or Jewish friends don't forget to wish them a happy passover. Before the holiday say "Chag Kasher V'Sameach" which means a kosher and happy holiday. After it starts say "Chag Same'ach" or "Good Yom Tov" which mean happy holiday. And if you need help planning a passover dinner, Awen Event Planning and Management is here to help.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Day of Coordination is Worth The Peace Of Mind

Whether your event is an intimate anniversary dinner with perfect setting, a big surprise birthday party with confetti shooters or a beautiful outdoor wedding in the spring at The Secret Gardens, we at Awen Event Planning and Management believe if you are the one hosting the event you should actually get to enjoy it.  So whether you have planned the event yourself or we have helped to plan it, give yourself the gift of a "day of coordination".

This provides you with peace of mind on the day of your event and allows you to enjoy everything that you have helped design.  We confirm the vendors, ensure guests have found their way, receive deliveries, greet vendors, ensure venue is as requested, distribute itineraries to vendors, manage timelines and more.

Imagine Your Event.....
Now Imagine Being A Guest At It

Check out this article: "Day of Wedding Coordination, An Invaluable Service" (but don't just limit to a wedding, any event can be saved by a day of coordination.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Spring is in the air and is a great time for a themed baby shower.  A garden tea party or the Mad Hatter for a baby girl.  Peter Cottontail or the Velveteen Rabbit for a baby boy.  In addition the stores are full of easter themed items to help decorate.  And just in case you have been given short notice or feel overwhelmed with this responsibility, Awen Event Planning and Management offers consulting, day of coordination, planning and full management of events.  We ensure that your event is talked about and never forgotten.  And most of all that all guests, including the host, gets to enjoy the party.  Lets welcome these precious babies into the world with some fun times and good gifts.

Why Choose An Event Planner

We at Awen Event Planning and Management wanted to share this article:

An event planner, also known as an event consultant or coordinator, is a professional in charge of planning a special event, synchronizing and supervising all details. Most people choose an event planner for a large affair that requires a lot of coordination, such as a wedding, a major birthday, or a corporate event. While hiring an event planner is an additional expense, a good professional can help you plan the perfect party according to your budget. Most event planners have connections with vendors and companies and can get special deals, saving you thousands of dollars over retail price.

Read Full Article at